The following was part of the communciations strategy used by the school as a result of the exercise and forms part of the Emergency Management Plan for the School
Over recent months our School has been working with an independent company, Harrison Tew, who specialise in emergency management for schools. The procedures implemented allow us to respond safely and quickly to a range of circumstances.
The company's Directors are both ex-police and the procedures are in line with that of emergency services response.
Today we conducted a School-wide Lock Down exercise under the guidance of Wade Harrison, one of the Directors of Harrison Tew. We are pleased to inform you that our young men responded safely, maturely and with a nature of controlled urgency.
The lock down was carried out successfully and is now a part of our emergency procedures. We will be implementing emergency protocol exercises each term to ensure all staff and students remain familiar with our processes.
Should you hear of a lock down or evacuation at the School, can I please ask that you do not attend the School or phone, as we will not be in a position to respond. Your presence or contact may make it more difficult for us to manage a situation.
Any information pertaining to an emergency occurring at the School will be updated on our website as regularly as possible.
We thank you for your continued support of Auckland Grammar School.